This dataset compares selected benefits of all the local public agencies that contracted with CalPERS. Agencies are listed alphabetically and include the plan types (miscellaneous or safety) and a five-digit code used for identification by CalPERS of the various benefit formulas.
This dataset contains the Actuarial Liabilities, Actuarial Value of Assets, Unfunded Liabilities, and Funding Ratios for each Local Contracting Agency.
17 years of total Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability (UAAL) based on funding positions under the actuarial assumptions adopted by the plan’s actuary.
Demographic assumption rates for Service Retirement, Disability Retirement (ordinary and service), Mortality of Active Members (ordinary and service), and Withdrawal (Termination) based on the age of active members.
Ten risk pools that combine assets and liabilities across employers which helps dramatically reduce or eliminate the large fluctuations in the employer's contribution rate caused by unexpected demographic events. Plans are assigned to risk pools based on their service retirement formula.
Ten risk pools that combine assets and liabilities across employers which helps dramatically reduce or eliminate the large fluctuations in the employer's contribution rate caused by unexpected demographic events. Plans are assigned to risk pools based on their service retirement formula.
Public Retirement Systems that filed late or failed to file their Financial Transactions Report with the State Controller's Office for fiscal year 2020-21.
Actual rates of return for the past one-year, three-year, and five-year periods and to report a 10-year schedule of annual money-weighted rate of return, net of investment expense.